Friday, December 20, 2013

Selling For God

Working for God is a life style, not just a job.  Since everything I have is a gift from Him, I always pray for His direction.

When I posted my van to sell, I wanted enough money to visit a friend about 1,500 miles away.  Instead, God told me to help a Christian brother in need by selling the van to him for half its value.

While disappointed about having to delay my trip, the joy of helping him and doing God's will more than made up for it.  If we all followed His direction, life would be happier and much more adventurous.

Financial planning for an eternal future is only a prayer away.  Praise the Lord!

Friday, December 13, 2013

New Beginnings

When the people I am advising die, this usually indicates spiritual growth.  One lady I was helping suffered from great fear.

Being afraid of both living and dying is extremely stressful.  To stop this fear, Christians must have such a close personal relationship with our Lord that we must continuously ask for help and He answers.

When this lady learned to sincerely ask Christ to come and save her, she gained His peace that surpasses all understanding.  This change was obvious with her new calmness, serious prayer life and ability to comfort others about death.

Becoming a fearless Christian is only a prayer away.  Thank You, Jesus, for Your help!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Miraculous Lessons

When working on discerning God's internal voice instead of my own thoughts or other voices, I asked Him for help.  He gave me many lessons but a few really stood out.

Right after taking a shower at the gym, I put my locker key in my pocket.  While still feeling it, I heard God tell me that my key was not in my pocket and, sure enough, it had disappeared.

Unsuccessfully, I looked all over the locker room, which included the lock on my locker.  My only option left was praying, so I did.

Then God told me that my key was in the lock on my locker and, sure enough, it was.  I learned a lot from these games, but sometimes I needed to know quickly.

For absolute confirmation, God would give me His supernatural love with His words.  This miracle would confirm it, and I learned how to follow His will.

Praise the Lord!  He is the ultimate Teacher!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Praying For Faith

As a Christian in a spiritual battle with evil, I'm often praying for faith building experiences. However, I always leave the what, where and when up to my Eternal Father.

While swimming in the pool one day, I tried to touch the bottom and could not.  Since this was impossible with my hands, I decided to quit swimming and sink down so my feet would touch bottom.

Then the impossible happened.  I did not sink but was lifted up waist high in six feet of water with me only being 5 foot 3 inches.

Then God said, "I will lift you up and never let you sink."  I started laughing and crying from His overpowering love and joy.

What a relationship!  Greater faith is only a prayer away!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Working For God

People ask me what is it like working for God.  I have found this to be like what Apostle Paul said in his letter to the Philippians and not like the prosperous TV evangelists.  

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether living in plenty or in want, because Christ Jesus gives me strength.  God blesses me with His supernatural love and miracles to make all circumstances an adventure.

Sometimes I am appreciated and sometimes I am abused.  Sometimes I get money and sometimes God says to help them for free.

I receive great joy in being an ambassador for Christ to spread His love, which is only possible through His strength.  Praise the Lord for our access to His supernatural powers, which are only a prayer away.

Friday, November 8, 2013

My Real Father

Ever since I can remember my earthly father has taken his anger out on me.  These experiences have always made me feel afraid and worthless.

However, this changed after meeting my Heavenly Father.  He gave me out-of-this-world unconditional love and for the first time in my life I felt special.

This supernatural support continued when I visited my father and he yelled at me.  As I started to feel worthless again, my Heavenly Father came to me and said, "This is not your father, I am your Father."

With this declaration, He filled me with love, and I was reminded of the perspective I needed for a joyful life.  Our Loving Father is only a prayer away.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Notice Small Miracles

To notice God in our lives we must be aware of the small miracles.  

I left one appointment on time, but unbeknown to me, the person I was going to meet next had texted me to meet her earlier.

When I arrived at my destination in only an unreal short time of 5 minutes and was warmly thanked for meeting her early, I was confused.  I prayed silently for understanding and then proceeded with my day.

Later that evening, I received a text message requesting an earlier appointment.  The mystery was solved and God had coordinated my schedule to make it all work perfectly.

God knows what we need and wants to help us, if we just let Him.  Help is only a prayer away!

Friday, October 25, 2013

With Love and Joy

The Holy Spirit had told me many times that I must serve others with love and joy in my heart.  I tried and tried to do this but failed.

I finally prayed for help and received an astonishing experience.  Christ Jesus gave me a small part of His supernatural love for everyone and the horrible anguish He suffered for us.

These incredibly strong duel feelings melted my heart and gave me the desire to spread His love and joy.  The fastest path to change is just a prayer away!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pray For Healing

One of the advantages to being a follower of Christ is healing.  Since our physical bodies are for learning, they often suffer and need help.

If God told me to go to the doctor or hospital I would, but instead I've prayed and been healed many times.  Some of my numerous ailments have been from a scratch to such severe pain throughout my body that I couldn't move.

Sometimes the healing is immediate, sometimes I have to do something, sometimes it takes a few hours and once in a great while I have to endure it.  The easiest solution should always be tried first because God's cures are free and do not cause more pain or any side effects.

Healing can be just a prayer away!

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Guidance Counselor

With the Holy Spirit, I have my own personal 24/7 counselor and guide.  This supernatural advising even includes reality checks that address my denial and selfishness.

The constant challenge to my ego helps keep me humble and focused, which is no easy task.  Nothing gets by Him because He knows my thoughts and secrets.

I now have unending, serious personal growth.  Thank you, Lord!  The most effective Counselor available is free and only a prayer away!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Praying For Spiritual Growth

Almost everyday I pray for spiritual growth and leave it up to the Lord on the "how."  One day I was in my Tai Chi class when a distraught man interrupted us to exercise.

I felt angry but my teacher welcomed him.  He shared a very sad story and then the class ended, so we left.

As I walked away, I thought how strange this all was and realized I didn't even offer him any help.  So, I went back into the room but he had miraculously disappeared.

This was even stranger, so I prayed that evening for a dream to explain it.  I dreamed God came to me as in a fiery cloud with a booming voice and told me to follow Him.

He took me to these people from a book I had been reading.  They kept asking me what I liked about their book and since I did not know, I finished reading it when I woke up.

Under the signs of selfishness, I learned being inflexible and hating interruptions fit me just perfect.  With this information, I prayed for forgiveness and help to stop this selfish behavior. 

Thank you, Lord!

Friday, September 27, 2013

My Awakening

As a new Christian, I had God's guidance but did not always follow it.  I had relied on myself so much that I could not seem to understand or accept this new way of living.

After my many "no's" to God and then suffering the consequences from His discipline, I finally realized my foolishness.  Every time I finished what He told me to do, I always grew spiritually and learned that no matter how difficult the task appeared God would help make it happen.

The unpredictable support from humans was my frame of reference, but this did not apply in a relationship with God.  Supernatural support always involves miracles and amazing experiences to get the job done.

Thank you, Lord, for my discipline!  Pray to live a spiritual adventure!

Friday, September 20, 2013

God Disciplines His Own

After going to many networking shows and meetings to promote Tranquil Hearts, I was stopped in my tracks by a nose bleed.  I never had a nose bleed before and these ones kept getting worse.

One day as my nose was bleeding so bad that I was having trouble breathing, I realized I could die.  I had prayed for help, but God seemed to be unavailable.

Suddenly, I realized that my refusal to follow God's directions could have something to do with my nose bleeds and His silence.  So I repented and my nose stopped bleeding. 

Then I corrected my transgressions by reading the Bible, writing books, reducing the networking, etc.  

I'm grateful God stopped my rebellion and brought me to my senses for spiritual growth.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Pray For Protection

While out walking my dog in the woods, I saw the neighbor's dog running loose barking and growling at us.  Months earlier, we almost had a fight with this same dog but his owner had grabbed him in time.

Now this big dog was only about 30 ft away heading for us with no owner chasing him.  As the dog ran behind some bushes to catch up, we turned and went down a different path.

I did not want a dog fight, so I started to pray while I walked.  As my dog and I ambled on through the woods and back home, we never saw the mean dog again.

Thank you, Lord!  Protection is only a prayer away. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Prayer Makes A Difference

As I struggled in my life to figure out how to bring together worldly beliefs and spiritual knowledge, my father had a massive stroke.  The doctors told us the damage was so extensive that he could not live.

Because he's an atheist, I went daily to his hospital room and prayed for his salvation.  

While my father did not become a Christian, he did miraculously survive and return home.  God gave him another chance for salvation, and I still continue to pray for him.

Prayer makes a difference!

Friday, August 30, 2013

God Fluxes Time

One of the many great advantages of being in a personal relationship with the Creator is having Him teach me.  I loved science and was intrigued with the concept of time.

God told me that time is a created illusion to help us learn easier.  When I asked Him to show me this, time fluxed for weeks.

I would leave early and get places late or leave on time and get places impossibly early.  My life became chaotic, so I prayed for help.

The Lord quickly responded, as my faith and understanding of His creation grew.  While the things of this world have value, I learned that the much surer path is prayer.

Friday, August 23, 2013

God Sends Help

After meeting God and receiving the motivation I needed, I decided to begin my new advising career.  My next step was to get a website, but I tried and failed.

Then I went back to the Lord for help and got directed to place an ad on the internet.  Over 80 web designers responded but only one name jumped out, Anna Marie.

Anna Marie was my Great-grandmother's name, which is the reason my middle name is Marie.  I contacted Web Designer Anna Marie to discover that she was exactly the person I had prayed for, effective communicator, professional, skillful, team player, easy going, creative, intelligent and oh, so nice.  I love nice!

Thank you, Lord, for bringing Anna into my life to help me.  Remember everyone, help is only a prayer away!

Friday, August 16, 2013

God Will Confirm

Even after I knew God wanted me to help others, I doubted my ability.  So, I prayed and asked the Lord to send a stranger at the next art show to tell me I would be good doing this for confirmation.

Since the odds of this happening was almost zero, I planned on continuing in the art field.  However, God had a definite plan for me.

At the art show, He sent a complete stranger to tell me how good I would be at advising others.  Shocked, I asked him how he knew this, and he said that he could tell and gave me a list of my attributes.

Well, this new career was moving forward with prayers and signs.  

Pray for signs to help you with unbelief!

Friday, August 9, 2013

God Protects

After receiving the Holy Spirit, any questions I asked Him were immediately answered.  I felt strange but empowered, so I decided to try out my new life.

For my birthday on March 15, I went barefoot on a spiritual walk through an unmarked forest in a large state park without a map or compass.  I was curious if I would get lost or hurt.

Even after many hours, I always knew where I was without so much as a scratch, and I easily returned unharmed to civilization.  God protected me not only from wildlife but sticks and stones, too.

I had a truly blessed birthday.  Pray for God's blessings!

Friday, August 2, 2013

On A Mission

After changing and adjusting under God's direction for about five months, He told me to teach others what I know.  I said, "no."  While I enjoyed spiritual growth, I knew a business about this would not make money.

However, the Lord does not take "no" for an answer.  When a hornet stung me, I gave it no thought because I'm not allergic until my hand swelled and throbbed.

Then this reaction moved up my arm until my daughter cam over for advice.  As I advised her, the swelling and pain went down.

With input from the Holy Spirit, I realized that following God's Will and my destiny were one and same.  What a joy to work for Someone that knows me better than I know myself and only has my best interests at heart. 

Pray for God's direction!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Changed From The Inside Out

When I first met our Loving Creator, I had many questions answered, which led to accepting Christ Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit.  After God left, I still felt a presence, the Holy Spirit.

Over the following weeks, He directed my life as my temperament, personality, clothes, diet, books, lifestyle, etc. changed.  No one liked it, except me.

With all of the change and conflict, I had out-of-this-world peace.  Pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Know God's Love

The defining moment in my life was when I met our Creator.  He changed me into a confident, peaceful, loving Christian.

After almost 30 years of learning many subjects, I concluded that we humans are very ignorant about reality and, especially, why we are here.  However, when my boyfriend taught me about God, I knew where to go for the answers.

In contemplative prayer, I sat six hours a day, six days a week to seek the Lord with all my heart.  About a month later, I met our Loving Father.  He filled me with His pure, unconditional, out-of-this-world love and gave me holy truth, which included my acceptance of Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible as God's Word.

This experience was so incredible that it defies description, and this was just the beginning.  Everyday is a miracle with the Lord!  Pray to know Him!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Prepare For Eternity

Apostle John wrote the Bible book of Revelation from a prophetic vision.  The Lord gave John a glimpse into what the future holds for this world and it looks very, very bad.

No one knows for sure when these end time catastrophes will occur but since physical death is certain, everyone should be ready for their judgment, now.  If people prepare for their physical future with insurance, retirement and savings, they should want to prepare spiritually for eternity, also.

Spending an hour or so in church a week does not prepare us.  We must give our lives to God, so we follow His plan for spiritual growth because He knows best what we need.  Luckily for us, God's will is only a prayer away.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Pray For Spiritual Growth

Jude wrote this letter to warn others about the godless men among them.  These abusers lied, deceived, complained, boasted about themselves, flattered others for their own advantage and denied Jesus Christ.  

Jude told the believers to keep themselves in God's love with faith and prayer in the Holy Spirit.

Like most of the letters in the New Testament, Jude addresses problems in the church that are just as timely today.  Why has nothing changed in almost 2,000 years?

Believing the truth is only the first step.  For spiritual growth to occur, the truth of Jesus Christ must be applied daily, which takes awareness and work.  To begin, help is just a prayer away.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Really Follow Christ

The third letter Apostle John wrote was to a dear friend, Gaius.  John praised his friend for walking in the truth and love of Jesus Christ with hospitality for other church members.

If Christians really knew the truth and love of Jesus Christ, they would act nice.  All Christians are called to stand apart from the world with their patience, joy, peace, love, self-control and kindness.

Unfortunately, most of us do not.  But help for spiritual growth is only a prayer away!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Be Christ's Ambassador

Apostle John wrote in his second letter about how Christians should love one another and walk in obedience to the commandment of love.  He warned about deceiving leaders and stressed the importance of learning both the Father and Son's teachings.

Even Christians about 2,000 years later still need Saint John's wise advice.  History repeats because humans do not change enough, which includes most Christians.

Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to great spiritual growth in thought, word and deed.  This means we no longer follow worldly values, beliefs and expectations.

To follow Christ, we must step out in sacrificial love, faithful obedience and a clear knowledge of God's Word.  Pray to become Christ's ambassador!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Be A Successful Christian

In Apostle John's letter to the Christians, he wrote proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ and how followers obeyed His commandments.  As children of God, believers needed to test their spiritual input to discern if it had a worldly or holy view, so they were not deceived.

Since God is love, they needed to love one another to know Him and be complete in His love.  Also, Christians needed to ask for things according to God's will and pray for others.

What excellent advice!  Christians must follow Jesus Christ, test their spiritual input, be loving, only want God's will and pray for others.  This is definitely a formula for successful Christians!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rise Above the World

Apostle Peter wrote to Christians on how to have holy lives by increasing their faith, knowledge, self-control, kindness, perseverance, godliness and love.  This spiritual growth would keep them effective and productive in their ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Peter, also, warned about the false prophets and teachers that introduced such destructive heresies that condemnation would result. Over 2,000 years later, Apostle Peter's advice is still relevant today.  

If all Christians grew spiritually by increasing their faith, knowledge, self-control and love, we would be such effective and productive disciples of Christ that this world would be very different.  However, it appears that the false prophets and teachers have won.  But Christ still calls His believers to rise above this world and follow Him!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Become Holy For Christ

As an important Christian leader, Apostle Peter wrote to the churches in Asia Minor addressing their persecutions.  

He explained that suffering tested their faith, so they needed to prepare for action, be self-controlled and set their hope on Christ Jesus.  

Peter challenged them to become holy by ridding themselves of all malice, deceit, envy, hypocrisy and slander, while becoming peaceful, gentle and submissive to all.

While Christians are still persecuted for Christ, this oppression should not be a needed reminder to gain holiness.  Any Christian can become self-controlled, peaceful, gentle and submissive.  

Why a Christian would want to stay a malicious, deceitful, envious, slanderous hypocrite is a question that can still be asked today.  Christ still calls us to set an example for this fallen world and not to be just a part of it.  He is available 24/7 to facilitate this holy change, so ask to rise above the world and not to just wallow in the muck here.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Spiritual Maturity Requires Self-discipline

Apostle James wrote to the churches about joyfully accepting their trials because these tested the faith, developed perseverance and promoted spiritual maturity, so they could enter heaven.  

Followers needed self-discipline in speech and behavior to respond thoughtfully, listen carefully and avoid worldly influence.  If God did not answer their prayers, they needed to stop asking with selfish motives, like pleasure, gain, ambition, fame, coveting, anger, impatience, etc.

If Christians want spiritual maturity, they need to develop the incredible self-discipline and obedience that the Lord teaches.  

Only in a personal relationship with the Trinity can humans transcend the physical and worldly distractions to spiritually prepare for heaven.  Luckily for us, help is only a prayer away. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Christians Must Stand Out

The letter to the Hebrews was to verify the authority of Jesus Christ and how His sacrifice was always the plan for humanity's salvation.  

The believers needed a sincere faith, so they could love each other, do God's will, fight their sin nature and persevere against persecution.  If they fixed their eyes on Jesus, they would leave the material world behind and welcome their tests of endurance.

What great advice!  All Christians should acquire a sincere faith to overcome this world and prepare for the next life.  

If spiritual maturity was the goal of every Christian, then we would stand out from the world and set an example for others to follow.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Follow The Lord's Truth

Apostle Paul wrote kindly to Philemon and gently reminded his dear friend about his responsibility as a believer in Christ Jesus.  

Philemon's slave, Onesimus, had to run away and find Paul to learn the Gospel.  Paul said how he prayed for Philemon to share his faith with others and when Onesimus returned, he must treat him like a brother in the Lord.

The letter Paul wrote to Philemon is a great example of Christ's love in action.  Paul loved his friend but did not approve of the way he treated his slave, so this problem was very diplomatically pointed out.  

When Christians truly follow Christ's lead, they become loving, fair and confident in the truth.  The real truth is not what the world says, but what the Lord declares, which are usually opposites.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Equality For All

When Apostle Paul wrote to his son in the faith, Titus, he advised him to teach with encouragement, integrity, seriousness and authority.  

Titus needed to instruct believers about being hospitable, kind, temperate, respectful, self-controlled, faithful, loving, patient, reverent, honest, etc.  Also, Paul said to explain about when the kindness, mercy and love of God the Savior appeared to save humanity, it made all people equal.

This timeless, wise advice from Paul can be used by anyone to grow spiritually.  However, the best information in this letter tells of God's salvation for us and how it made everyone equal.  

Real Christianity not only teaches about our salvation but equality for all under Christ.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Work Hard For Love!

In Apostle Paul's second letter to Timothy, he encouraged his spiritual son to be strong, confident, calm in all situations and prepared for any thing, because all followers of Jesus Christ will be persecuted.  

Paul advised him to turn away from worldly affairs, like godless chatter, resentment, foolish arguments and quarreling about words.  Also, Timothy needed to lead a holy life of righteousness, faith, love, truth, kindness, gentleness and peace.

This is excellent advice on how Christians should conduct their lives today.  If the followers of Christ exhibited these holy examples, their churches would be peaceful and filled with love.  

However, being loving requires hard work to accomplish, and it is so much easier to quarrel and blame.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Seek Contentment

Apostle Paul wrote to his son in the faith, Timothy, instructions for the ministry and church members.  

To promote godliness, Timothy should preach and teach, while avoiding conflict.  Believers needed godliness with contentment and to not seek financial gain, because the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

After 2,000 years, this wise advice is still timely.  Conflict and greed still cause horrible tragedies at both a small level within the family and larger global levels.  

Obviously, humans are too selfish to not repeat history and need their Lord for contentment, so sincerely seek Him in prayer.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seek Peace and Love

With Apostle Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, he thanked them for growing their faith and love despite the persecution they endured.

He asked for their prayers to have the Lord's message spread as rapidly and easily as it did with them. While Paul addressed many problems in his letters to the churches, sometimes believers just embraced their new holy life style.

Humans have a choice in life to follow what is good or bad.  Making this decision is not usually based on outside pressures (no matter how difficult) but internal worldly programing.

People must be aware that every second of every day they are making a choice on how to think and live.  To find lasting peace and love, people must make a sincere conscious decision for spiritual growth, which can be just a prayer away.

Ask for forgiveness and the Lord Jesus Christ to enter your heart, today!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Be A Role Model

In the first letter to the Thessalonians, Apostle Paul wrote how he thanked God and prayed for them.  He was delighted how the Gospel came to them in deep conviction from the Holy Spirit.  

Despite their persecution, they were a model for other believers, and he told them to pray continuously, always be joyful, remain thankful in all circumstances, value prophesies and test everything.

All Christians should have the Gospel from the power of the Holy Spirit.  With this deep faith, they could all become role models for the world and stand out in love.  

This can happen through continuous prayer and the joyous peace from Jesus Christ.  

Strive for greater things!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Message of Love

When in prison, Paul wrote the Colossians to praise them for their faith and love in Jesus Christ.  

For Christ filled lives, believers needed to have compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, love, peace and wisdom.  Along with a devotion to prayer, they should be watchful and thankful for any opportunity to spread the gospel with grace.

There seemed to be an ongoing theme of overwhelming niceness that described the early Christians.  While these requirements were hard to follow, this behavior defined the early martyrs and spread the gospel, until the religion went mainstream and corrupt.

However, Christ still calls His believers to be extra nice, even to the point of loving everyone.  This message of love has not changed!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Think Positive!

While in prison, Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians about Jesus Christ.  He wanted their love to grow in knowledge, so they could discern what was best.  

He told them to follow his example and not be frightened but to strive for spiritual maturity by focusing on the noble, gentle, true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy things.

Spiritual growth comes from reducing the negative worldly programing and increasing loving, holy thinking.  

While this is an easy concept to understand, actually replacing the negative thinking with positive can be very difficult because the world glorifies and rewards the bad.

To win against this unloving world, people can accept Jesus Christ into their hearts and then pray to Him for this exchange.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mature Spiritually

When Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he told them how pleased he was with their love and wanted them to be filled with the full measure of God.  

He urged them to reach spiritual maturity, so every wind of teaching and cunning by deceitful men would not corrupt them.  To do this, they must be truthful, faithful, humble, gentle, patient, loving, thankful, complimentary, peaceful, respectful, righteous, good and holy.

After people believe and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then they must begin the work of spiritual growth.  Any Christian that follows the world with its violence, anger, greed, bitterness, slander, fear, etc. are immature.  

These immature Christians have caused horror and tragedy in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said to love our enemies and turn the other cheek.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Equality Under God

Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians in defense of his ministry.  

Through their faith and salvation in Jesus Christ, everyone became equal.  As believers in Christ, they received freedom in the Spirit to serve one another in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness and self-control. 

Once people accept Jesus Christ and have the Holy Spirit, they realize everyone is equal under God.  

Then why so many violent Christians?  Using the Christian label does not make people Christians unless they live in step with the Spirit by showing their fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness and self-control. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Grow Spiritually

With the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul addressed conflict, love and spiritual growth.  

He used his own life of suffering and danger to verity the truth he preached.  Also, Paul shared wondrous visions and revelations from the Lord that took him to greater spiritual heights.

When people reduce the conflict and raise their love, spiritual growth will result.  

The Lord will give anyone that qualifies with sincerity and truth amazing visions and revelations.  

Greater spiritual heights are available for all believers!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Be Loving

In the first letter to the Corinthians from the Bible, Paul explained about spiritual gifts.  While each member of the church had a gift, the most excellent one was love.

Love was patient, kind, always protected, trusted, hoped and persevered.

It was never envious, boastful, proud, rude, self-seeking or easily angered.
Love did not keep any record of wrong doings or delight in evil but rejoiced with the truth.

This list of important qualities is difficult to follow but absolutely necessary for spiritual growth.  The Lord calls us to be loving beings no matter what the circumstances, even with our enemies.  

As God is Love, so must we be!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Choose Wisely!

The Bible book of Romans was one of many letters that Apostle Paul wrote to teach and strengthen the believers of Jesus Christ.  

While Paul addressed many issues, he focused on how to become more spiritual.

He told them to use their gifts, have sincere love, hope with joy, be patient in affliction, pray faithfully, practice hospitality, share with others, bless their persecutors, live in harmony, submit to authorities, never judge and accept one another.  

Paul's wise advice can be used by everyone that wants to grow spiritually.

We all make decisions everyday that bring us closer to God or further away.  Make wise choices for eternity!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Get The Power!

Investigator Luke, also, wrote the Bible book of Acts.  His report began with Jesus Christ's many after death appearances and final ascension into heaven.  

Then Luke proceeded to give the highlight's of how the apostles spread Christ's message of love and salvation.

The power to fulfill this important mission came from the Holy Spirit.  This powerful ability to spread Christianity despite impossible odds demonstrated the love of our Creator.

To feel our Heavenly Parent's Love and Spirit, we must sincerely pray to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts.  

What a small requirement to receive such awesome power!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Change Your Heart!

Apostle John wrote about Jesus Christ's mission of love and salvation, along with extra revelations. 

Not only did John know Jesus personally but was one of his favorites.  John wrote more about love and spiritual insights than any other disciple. 

The closer people draw to the Lord, the more they will know and grow spiritually.  Only through this relationship can real truth and out-of-this-world love be found.  

Strive for the greatest experience this life can offer and pray for Jesus Christ to enter your heart.  


Friday, January 11, 2013

Be A New Person!

The Bible book of Luke is the longest and most complete account of Jesus Christ.  

Like an investigative reporter, Luke interviewed many people and reported on their knowledge about Jesus and His mission of salvation.

Christ's message of love and truth gives us the hope and faith to spiritually thrive in this difficult world. 

Start the year as a new person with gratitude and thankfulness for this loving gift by accepting and following our Lord.  


Friday, January 4, 2013

Start The Year With Change

The best was to keep a New Year's resolution is to address the problem directly. 

Way too often people decide to change their lives based on the symptoms of their problems and not the real issues.

Without the desire to resolve the fear, anger, selfishness, blaming, loneliness, worthlessness, etc. from unhealthy thinking, the symptoms will continue in one form or another. 

The only real change comes from digging down deep and taking a stand against the old negative self.

Start the New Year with a new positive self.  If you need some help, remember that God is only a prayer away! 

Happy New Year!