Friday, October 17, 2014

God Directs

Last Saturday I prayed on which pet I should take to the Pet Blessing.  The Lord told me "none."

With curiosity I went to see "why."  Last year I took my little dog and we blessed pets along with the minister.

This year the minister arrived with her sick child and needed someone to take care of her inside, while she blessed pets outside.  Then I knew the reason and offered my services.

We must always be ready to serve for the Lord no matter what job He wants us to do because it's for the betterment of all.  

Life is so much easier for everyone under His direction and it's only a prayer away.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Stress Reduction

To keep our relationship close, I tell the Lord if I'm too busy for a visit during the day to wake me up at night.  I get woke up quite often.
This last week He woke me up for a sermon topic on stress.  The following is a short version on how Christians can reduce their stress by following God's advice.
1) Trust God has a plan and will make a way, so look at the situation from His perspective.
2) Understand that trials and tribulations provide a necessary opportunity for spiritual growth.
3) Pray continuously about everything because supernatural help is required for effective stress relief.
Humans are not created to have ongoing stress but this relief can only happen in the freedom we get from a close personal relationship with our Lord Christ Jesus.  This release from bondage is only a prayer away!

Friday, October 3, 2014

God Encourages

Almost exactly one month ago, I was feeling so wonderful that I asked the Lord to use me more and He said, yes!  Unfortunately, I did not pass my test and this month I needed encouragement.

Last Sunday night, the guest minister at my church called me up to the front for prayer.  He said that the Lord wanted me to know that He sees what I"m going through and wants to encourage me.

Spiritual growth is the hardest job anyone can do because it's so easy to regress and so very difficult to advance.  Success takes determined tenacity, unswerving faith and a desire for truth above all else.

As Christians, we have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for help.  

Of course, this supernatural assistance is available for anyone who wants this relationship and is only a prayer away!