Friday, November 27, 2015

Being Grateful

Celebrating Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to stop and think about being grateful.  Thank You, God, for creating me and my life.

At one time I was suicidal, and now I am filled with amazing joy.  Thank You, Jesus, for giving me Your love and peace with eternal salvation.

Since I work for the Lord, He provides for my every need and gives me supernatural help.  For this incredible relationship, I am very grateful.

He has brought so many wonderful people into my life that they are too numerous to mention.  However, there are two people that I rely on every week for help to do my work.

My Christian husband, J., does everything he can to support me, from editing theology to cooking.  The second person is Anna Mahler, my talented tech support.

She is the nicest person I ever met, and we have been working together since 2009 when the Lord brought her into my life.  He answered my prayer to have the perfect person to work with and has continued to answer my prayers many, many times since.

This support from Jesus is available for everyone, 24/7, anywhere and for anything.  He has supernatural power and gives us eternal life.

Now that is a miracle to be thankful for!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Holy Help

The Lord will help us with all areas of our lives when we prayerfully ask.  Nothing is too small or too big.

I stopped at by daughter's house for short visit before going to my next appointment.  As usual we got talking and time flew until I realized that I was now running late.

After I left for my next appointment, I prayed for a short cut that would get me there on time.  Immediately, the Holy Spirit reassured me and told me where to turn, and then the next turn, next turn and so on until I didn't have any idea where I was.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit told me to look right and there was the location of my appointment.  I pulled into the parking lot, still reeling from the strange experience and looked at the clock.

I was ten minutes early, left ten minutes late and only took ten minutes to get there.  I am amazed how easier my life is when I follow the Lord.

Thank You, Jesus, for answering all of our prayers, no matter how small or how large the need!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Prayer Power

My husband and I saw a funny, inspirational, powerful movie called, The War Room.  It is about how to win spiritual battles with prayer because every problem here is a spiritual one.

This film is so true!  I have learned that if I want to powerfully change a situation, only through prayer can I make a big difference.

For example, after my husband and I married, he became depressed.  I tried ignoring the problem and then counseling him but only when I really prayed a lot did he get better.

I recommend this movie for everyone that wants to learn how to improve their lives.  

Prayer is free and simple to do but carries a big supernatural, life-changing impact when God is in the picture.

Friday, November 6, 2015


When I was a child, I learned that faith is believing in something that I cannot prove is true.  Now as a Christian, I know that faith is based on evidence and absolute proof of its truth.

Because I have kept a prayer log, I know that 97% of my prayers are answered.  I'm still waiting on the 3% and 5% were, "no," but that still makes for a lot of, "yes."

This week two big answered prayers were for healing.  I went to visit my dad in the nursing home and found him crying and moaning in pain.

When I talked to his nurse, she said he couldn't have any more pain medicine and suggested prayer.  So I prayed for about an hour until the pain was gone.

Dad even said his strength had returned, got out of bed and went to supper.  The next day I fell down a slippery porch and landed on my right hand and foot.

I couldn't feel or move either one, so I gingerly sat up and prayed until the feeling came back, mobility returned and the pain was gone.  Every day I have evidence of my faith and know that my Heavenly Father loves me.