Saturday, March 19, 2016

Being Good Partners

Since March is my physical and spiritual birthday, I asked the Lord to give me a gift this month.  And what I wanted was spiritual growth and left the details up to the Lord.

In the same night of my birthday this past week, my husband and I had similar dreams with the same themes.  Our dreams were long, so I won't go into details, but I will share the themes, which are the important parts for spiritual growth.

Both of our dreams had the same three major points, which are as follows.  My husband does not agree with what I am doing, he becomes involved in my life choices but worries about it and these decisions endanger our relationship.

While we agreed this was a reflection of our life together, the best solution to this problem was prayer.  As Christians, we have the perfect marriage Counselor, Jesus Christ.

Jesus will teach us how to be good partners, because He wants His followers to be a loving team.  This applies not only to married couples, but to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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