Sunday, August 30, 2015

Miracle Healing

I spent this past week at the hospital with a friend that was supposed to die.  He had sepsis, which is a deadly internal infection, and with his other health issues the doctors said that there was to way he would survive.

So we had lots of people in many different churches praying, and God answered, yes.  Instead of dying within the week, he was back home in three days because the infection in his body had disappeared.

Praise The Lord!! The healing power of Jesus Christ is only a prayer away.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Trials and Tribulations

This world is full of problems and along with death, we can count on suffering here.  I talk with people almost every day about some type of problem.

While there are many problems, I know of one sure solution for all of them.  When we allow Lord Jesus to lead our lives, the worries and stresses disappear.

We can still have the same trials and tribulations but with His peace, strength and direction it all becomes ok.  Jesus knocks on the door of everyone's heart but most people do not answer.

Even when we let our Lord into our hearts, He is often left in the foyer.  Only when He runs our whole life can we rise above the trials and tribulations to live joyful, holy lives.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Pray For Holy Direction

My husband and I went to an art show this past weekend.  He had been working on Christian paintings but was unsure because so many people had told him religious art doesn't sell.

So we prayed for God to give us a sign on this Christian art and we sure got one.  We had people praising, buying and even someone in tears.

A man told us that he connects with God through art.  These wonderful testimonies gave us the confirmation we needed.

Holy direction gives our lives wondrous, joyful meaning and is only a prayer away!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Be Organized

Jesus wants us to have organized, logical minds and how we live represents how we think.  So, my next step after unattaching from things was to organize what I have left.

I found this difficult until I got help.  Our Lord God has creatively organized everything from the smallest elements to the huge universe.

He taught me to use creativity and it became fun.  What I didn't expect was how great it made me feel.

From my organizing and doing God's Will, I got His supernatural peace and comfort.  The Lord only wants what is best for us and His guidance is only a prayer away.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Be Unattached

Jesus wants us to travel through this world without being attached to it.  So, I have been working on getting rid of the physical things in my life that I love.

This is a touchy subject for Christians, so I want to clarify what I mean.  When we are attached to physical things, the things become more important than people, being organized, financial responsibility, eating healthy, etc.

Then things become our important relationship, security and comfort, instead of Jesus.  This does not mean we have nothing, but choose very carefully and prayerfully what we allow in our lives, so we do not put obstacles between us and God.

We must put our time and resources into the "things" we take with us into the next life, like love, spiritual growth, doing God's will, truth, etc.  Jesus wants to help us and He's only a prayer away!