Friday, January 31, 2014

Analyze Life

In order to grow spiritually, we must not only pray for this but look carefully at our immediate world.  Our lives not only reflect how God blesses us but most importantly what issues we need to address.

A good way to analyze our lives is to write down everything we do for a week.  How we spend our time reflects our spiritual growth.

Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.  And, just as importantly, He said to love everyone else.

If we really love God and others, then it will show in how we spend our time.  Simple but only possible with supernatural help from prayer.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Supernaturally Resolving Conflict

One of the many advantages of working for the Lord is having a 24/7 personal counselor with supernatural powers.  When I am in a conflict, I pray, even as the other person or persons yell. 

While the conflict is not always resolved, I get the guidance I need on what to do.  Later on, the others may receive insights or dreams that totally change their perspectives.

Conflict can be difficult to resolve without objective understanding and the power to correct irrational thinking.  We all need supernatural counseling and correction to become better Christians.

Anyone can have a 24/7 supernatural support system.  This incredible advantage is only a prayer away!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Remember Dreams

When in a relationship with our Creator, it is important to use all forms of His communication.  I have learned and been told many things by God through dreams.

Mostly, He has used dreams to change my thinking and make me a kinder, more loving Christian.  However, I wanted something special for 2014, so I prayed for a prophetic dream before going to sleep on New Year's Eve.

The Lord gave me a dream that night to direct and inspire me.  In a very short version, He told me it was time to rise up and begin.

All of us are called to follow our Creator's plan that He has for us.  God's direction is only a prayer away!

Friday, January 10, 2014

2013 Ends and 2014 Begins

The last Sunday of 2013 I had the opportunity to preach at church.  For two nights in a row, the Lord woke me up and told me what to say.

I went to the pastor the next Sunday, and he gave me the privilege of addressing his congregation.  God wants to have a revival here and we need to prepare.

Reviving His children is an ongoing need in this difficult, draining world.  The sad part is we don't seek His supernatural support and rely on our own powers, which are weak and limiting.

Begin 2014 by drawing closer to our Loving Father, so we can quit settling for less than what He wants to give us.  An easy, joyful life is only a prayer away!